Meeting Dr. Michio Kaku!

I can honestly say that I will eternally be in awe of meeting, conversing, and later selfie'ing with Dr. Michio Kaku. He held a public speaking at Western Kentucky University this previous Monday (Mar. 17th), and it was fantastic. Not only did I run into him before everything on a stroke of luck, but also he picked me out of thousands of people to ask and answer questions. I've always had a huge interest in theoretical and astrophysics. I figured that I would spend my whole life learning about the Japanese language and Japanese culture, as well as computer science and focusing more on programming --along with being a game developer and helping to make some of the world's greatest games. (I'm no where near that, but who knows. Maybe in the future?) However, this has given me new life. A new drive. A new spark of inspiration to chase after my long sought out dreams, and I just wish I had the ability to transfer to an out of state college, study under the greatest minds of the world. I know I have the capacity to be great. I know I have the ability to make changes in the world. I want to continue my journey of being a polyglot. I want to continue being a computer programmer. However, I also now want to continue my love of mathematics and physics. I want to make a discovery in the world. I want to make a difference on the world and help humanity in a whole! I know I could. I just must work hard, diligent, and put in every ounce of my brain power to make my dreams true.

I will make a difference.

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