Dev Journal - Ghost Walk (1)

I took a hiatus from everything recently. Though, picking everything back up, I decided to do a small project for Flappy Jam, considering everything that's happened with the creator. I could make my own separate blog post about that; however, I'll spare the details and simply say that if anyone really feels the need to bash on someone for a stroke of luck, you really have no sense of honor for anyone. Be joyful for another's luck; not a dick.

Either way, moving on, so I've been working on a game called "Ghost Walk." It started out as a simply Flappy Bird clone, but I decided to add a few more things (namely floating ghosts to avoid as well as obstacles). A repetitive and annoying sound track, and some royalty free sprites for the game. I've only spent about a day working on it --and that's not being consistent. I had a pretty bad car wreck two days ago (engine belt snapping while driving down an interstate. Not a good experience.) And with Valentine's Day always being a horrible day for me. (Nothing love related; it's all family related and events that's happened in the past.)

Though, with all do respect, I am going to be releasing the game, and having it hosted on That site has, more or less, appeared out of no where for me, and it seems pretty awesome! A way for indie game devs to get their games out there, a system for taking in donations or selling games that's just a simple buffer between transactions so it doesn't cause a lot of fuss. Plus seeing plenty of good reviews makes me feel more secure about using it. I might end up hosting all of my future games on the site. Also, since it has such a good integration for anything from Unity webplayers, to HTML5, to your own executables uploaded from whatever engine or libraries you've compiled them from! 

Alright, now now now, I shall get on to what I've been meaning to state: here's a few current screen shots, and I'll make a post a little later on showcasing the actual game with links to it.

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